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The Solar Capital De Aar Project will allow a CO2 saving of nearly three billion tonnes. (Image source: Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Italian-based Moncada Energy Group has completed the Solar Capital De Aar Project, the biggest thin film solar farm in Africa

The two CSP projects will provide a combined capacity of 350MW. (Image source: Emily/Flickr)

The World Bank will provide a US$519mn loan to finance two solar power plants with a combined capacity of 350MW in Morocco

The four US-based companies to make investments in the power sector of Nigeria are Global Business Resources, FlatBush Solar, Global Resources Network, and Charbourne & Parke. (Image source: SandtoGlass/Flicker)

A group of four US-based companies will make investments worth US$212mn in Nigerias power sector as part of President Barack Obama’s Power Africa initiative

Once technical issues have been resolved between China Africa and ZETDC, an official figure will be decided. (Image source: DonMcCullough/Flickr)

China Africa Sunlight Energy Africa and the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) have signed a provisional power purchasing agreement for electricity in Zimbabwe

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