

Sierra Leone has a limited and erratic supply of power, which the government is attempting to remedy by unbundling the state power utility. (Image source: Oranviriyincy/Flickr)

Sierra Leone has “unbundled” various electricity providers and integrated them to form two entities titled the Electricity Generation and Transmission Company (EGCT) and the Electricity Distribution and Supply Company (EDSA)

Mobile solar systems are known to be reliable and provide up to 2,000MW of power to the agricultural sector. (Image source: Foncesoulstudio/Wikimedia Commons)

The governments of China and Malawi have signed an agreement to install and supply mobile solar power systems in the southeast African nation

Ghana faces several power deficits amounting to nearly 250MW, which escalate during maintenance periods and grid breakdowns. (Image source: Sanjit Bakshi/Flickr)

Nigerian conglomerate Sahara Group is set to build a 2,000MW thermal plant in Ghana in a bid to boost the country’s generation capacity

Annobon Province is located in Equatorial Guinea, and relies on off-grid electricity sources such as generators. (Image source: Eaton)

US-based power management company Eaton has agreed to supply electrical engineering services and power distribution equipment for the construction of a 5MW solar microgrid system in Annobon Province, Equatorial Guinea

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