

The facility will include a service quay of 50 metres. (Image source: Peggy Choucair/Pixabay)

Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) will construct a fishing port and breakwater structures to improve fishing operations in the harbour and rationalise the parking of idle fishing vessels

The Port of Luanda Multipurpose Terminal is a port infrastructure dedicated to the simultaneous operation of general cargo and containers. (Image source: The Government of Angola)

The Government of Angola has launched an international public tender for the concession and operation of the Port of Luanda Multipurpose Terminal

Blumaq has many subsidiaries around the world. (Image source: Blumaq)

At Blumaq, they offer a 24-hour European and 48-hour worldwide delivery service, with more than 90,000 items ready for immediate delivery

With the implementation of the plan, KPA aims to make Kenya a trade and logistics hub in the region. (Image source: Jason Goh/Pixabay)

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is planning to launch its master plan with an aim to revolutionise shipping and logistics sector in the country

Delays at ports and border posts could have a significant impact on logistics costs. (Image source: koon boh Goh/Pixabay)

South Africas major logistics companies are finding the weak economic climate to be a major challenge, with a slowdown in manufacturing and mining production and consumer spending resulting in pressure on volumes

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