

The commission has been working towards maintaining sustainable levels of water in the lake and that the water remains available and of use to surrounding communities. (Image source: Finnish ministry for foreign affairs)

The executive secretary of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), Dr Canisius Kabungo Kanangire, spoke recently of the need for transparency and accountability, with respect to the correct functioning of sustainable partnerships, and appropriate funding of development initiatives 

Ivor Ichikowitz, founder of Paramount Group, explained that dedicated engineers and investment to tackling the increasing number of deaths are needed in Africa. (Image source: Paramount Group)

Africa needs engineers as much as it needs doctors to prevent deaths, according to South African entrepreneur and founder of Paramount Group, Ivor Ichikowitz

A statistics has revealed that globally 783 million live without safe drinking water. (Image source: Muffet/Flickr)

Charity organisation Water Aid has opened a new office in South Africa as part of its attempts to improve safe water access to some of Africas neediest communities

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