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There may not be any obvious connection between a London traffic warden issuing tickets to errant motorists parking illegally on the streets of the UK capital and meter readers in the West African country of Mali. But there is a link – both use DAP’s rugged handheld computers.

p>There may not be any obvious connection between a London traffic warden issuing tickets to errant motorists parking illegally on the streets of the UK capital and meter readers in the West African country of Mali. But there is a link – both use DAP’s rugged handheld computers.

A completed Seacom landing station (Photo: Cisco)

The Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (Eassy) hit South African shores on 15 February.

FCS has launched its Guest DynamiX (GDX) Platform for the global hospitality market space - consolidating and enhancing all of the companys current solutions and services to form a new family of real-time integrated billing and interface systems.

Star Satellite Communications Company PrJsc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat), signed its first service partner agreement for “YahClick”, Yahsat’s satellite broadband service.

The number of South African Internet users has passed the five million mark for the first time, finally breaking through the 10 per cent mark in Internet penetration for the country.

p>The number of South African Internet users has passed the five million mark for the first time, finally breaking through the 10 per cent mark in Internet penetration for the country.

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