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Nigerian bank goes live on the Web

Diamond Bank Plc has introduced an Internet banking service, DiamondOnline, on the BankWorld internet platform, which has been developed by CR2, a provider of multichannel banking software solutions

The Nigerian commercial bank, which has US$4 billion in assets, 230 branches, about 300 ATMs and 1.8 million account holders, is the first bank to use CR2’s solution to segment its customer offerings, providing different branding and services relevant to its customers’ profile.

The solution builds on a rapid design and customisation capability that allows banks to design and deploy new online banking strategies, and adjust the services and marketing within existing segments through a drag and drop process which does not require programming.

BankWorld enables Diamond Bank to present a range of different ‘shop windows’ to all its customers with each customer segment having immediate access to the services, product subscriptions, advertisements and offers most relevant to them.

Announcing the development in Lagos, head of customer services and technology at the bank, Premier Oiwoh, stated, “We decided to engage CR2 in order to take total ownership of our Internet banking site.

“BankWorld Internet portal gives us the flexibility we required to deliver different portals to our customers segments and roll out new services without relying on any vendor.

“We have the capacity to design a banking site that adapts to each segment of customers and deliver relevant products and services which will translate into effective cross sales,” Oiwoh noted.


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