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South African event tackles climate change

Africas vulnerability to climate change is the reasoning behind the event, Viridis Africa. (Image source: Neil Palmer/ CIAT)

South Africa is to host Africa’s first clean-energy investor event, which intends to mitigate the effects of climate change in the continent 

Viridis Africa, a two-day conference to be held in Johannesburg on October 16-17, 2012, will act as a platform for renewable energy, water conservation, and recycling projects whilst also showcasing technologies that can inhibit climate change. 

Despite only emitting three per cent of the world’s green house gases, Africa has been deemed the continent most vulnerable to the adverse effects of global warming. 

For many of the sub-Saharan African countries, consequences of climate change could include more frequent droughts, floods, water scarcity, and increased health challenges.

Suza Adams, managing director of the event company behind Viridis, Spindle Communications, said, "We all have a responsibility to research and come up with ways in which renewable energy can bring about sustainability to struggling communities. 

"We should highlight how renewable energy can bring about poverty eradication and sustainable development, and how it can boost agricultural development, productivity, and rural sustainability." 

The event, which will include the latest insights into finance and development in the clean-technology sector, looks set to attract various investors, entrepreneurs seeking business funding, renewable energy consultants, and project developers seeking new initiatives.


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