Welland Power specialises in export, shipping around 2000 units per year from 10-2500kVA
Welland Power specialises in export, shipping around 2000 units per year from 10-2500kVA
World gas production has increased by 3.6 per cent, the highest y-o-y increase since 2010, said Eni at the second volume of the World Oil, Gas and Renewables Review
Kenya has made enormous progress in the energy sector in less than a decade with its two renewable energy projects, the Turkana Wind Farm and the Menengai Geothermal Power Plant
Togolese minister of mines and energy, Marc Dèdèriwè Ably-Bidamon, and the director-general of the pan-African industrial group Eranove, Marc Albérola have signed a power generation concession agreement for the commissioning of Kékéli Efficient Power plant, which will be located in the Lomé port area
Ansaldo Energia has introduced the new GT26 F-Class and GT36 H-Class gas turbine equipment to leverage the Sequential Environmental (SEV) combustion system platform to improve operational flexibility of new power plants