Welland Power has been featured as one of the fastest-growing UK companies
Altaaqa Global Energy Services: Providing BOOT solutions to shorter term projects

James Shepherd, CEO of Altaaqa Global Energy Services. (Image source: Altaaqa Global Energy Services)
James Shepherd, CEO of Altaaqa Global Energy Services, talks to African Review about why the company’s Build-Operate-Own-Transfer (BOOT) model is a unique offering for customers
GE helps Azito’s power plant to boost efficiency in Ivory Coast

Under this contract, the APM software is expected to provide real-time unified visibility into the health of assets critical to the customer. (Image source: GE)
Azito Energie SA has signed a contract with GE to deploy its predix asset performance management (APM) software for two GT13E2 gas turbines and two generators at the Azito III plant site, located in the Yopougon district of Ivory Coast
LNG demand spurs across the globe: IEA

Dr Birol visited met with Iraqi President Barham Salih and other high-level government officials to present the findings and recommendations of the IEA’s new report on Iraq’s energy sector. (Image source: IEA)
The global trade in liquefied natural gas (LNG) is spurring a second natural gas revolution, underpinning the shift towards a more flexible, resilient and interconnected global gas market, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Morocco pursues ambitious energy transition pathway

The IEA’s review provides detailed recommendations to maintain the momentum for reform and increase ambitions for the country’s energy transition. (Image source: seagull/Pixabay)
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released the review of Morocco’s energy policies, conceding the institutional, legal and fiscal reforms undertaken by the government to promote sustainable development of the energy sector