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Himoinsa open new dealer in Mali. (Image source: Himoinsa)

Himoinsa has signed an agreement with Matforce Mali to improve delivery times and quicken the supply of spare parts and technicians

Located on a 33-acre plot of land in Soroti District, the power plant has the potential to increase its net output capacity by a further 20MW of solar energy. (Image source: Lance Cheung/Flickr)

Uganda’s first grid-connected solar facility and East Africa’s largest will provide clean, low-carbon and sustainable electricity to 40,000 homes, schools and businesses in the country 


Uganda and UK sign agreement to improve energy access. (Image source: Andrew Regan/Commons)

An Energy Africa Compact between Uganda and the UK has been signed in an attempt to provide the poorest Ugandans access to clean, reliable and affordable energy

GEs Steam Power System wins gold. (Image source: momoneymoproblemz/Commons)

GEs Steam Power Systems has won the Global IPMA Project Excellence Gold Award for its work at South Africas Medupi power plant

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