

Transformer Oil Regeneration Unit CMM-12R at electricity substation. (Image source: Globecore)

GlobeCore: Oil Regeneration Extends Transformer Life by 20 Years

Globecore GmbH, a German company, manufactures equipment which  extends power transformer service life by 20 years

World map of states related to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Green represents the Member States, turquoise the signatory states and states in accession. (Image source: Diatarveden/Commons)

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) have announced on 14 January that Niger, along with the Marshall Islands, Seychelles and the Solomon Islands, will recieve US$44.5mn in funding to develop local renewable projects

La place de lIndependance a Dakar, Senegal. (Image source: mostroneddo/commons)

ENGIE have been selected for the Dakar TER project in partnership with Thales for the design and production of infrastructures and systems, with a contract worth around 225mn euros

Cap: Organisers EnergyNet will work with Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regional institutions to unearth cost-effective energy solutions (Source: Wikicommons)

Regional government officials and prominent energy and financial firms are set to discuss opportunities for African countries to collaborate on future energy and investment programmes later this month

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