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African countries aim to boost mining sector across the continent. (Image source: jbdodane/Flickr)

The National Mining Summit, the mouth piece for the Nigerian Ministry for Mines and Steel Development’s 25-year roadmap, will be held at the International Conference Centre, Abuja from 15 - 17 May 2018

The viaduct will have 48 bridge piers. (Image source: SCIMAT)

The New Coastal Road (NCR) on Reunion Island will be a welcome relief to thousands of local motorists who, for years, have had to endure the threat of falling rocks and multiple closures due to severe weather – the old road is impassable on average around 40 times a year

Pierre Lahutte is the brand president at Iveco. (Image source: Iveco)

Continued investment in developing local assembly capabilities and strengthening distribution networks are testament to Iveco’s commitment to bringing an extensive product offering to Africa

Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

The president of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, has made a compelling case for accelerating Africa’s industrialisation in order to create jobs, reduce poverty and promote inclusive economic growth

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