

Newmont Goldcorps Ahafo Mill Expansion in Ghana. (Image source: Newmont Goldcorp Corporation)

Newmont Goldcorp Corporation has announced that the Ahafo Mill Expansion (AME) project in Ghana successfully processed its first ore and is on track to achieve commercial production in the Q4 2019

A lot can be said for Africa’s mining opportunities as it remains the richest mineral continent in the world, Weir said. (Image source: Julien Harneis/Flickr)

Perth-based CPC Engineering has entered into a joint venture with African companies to service Africa’s mining industry

The initiative is in line with the mandate from the President to attract investment opportunities in Liberia to drive economic growth. (Image source: javarman/Adobe Stock)

The National Housing Authority (NHA) in Liberia has received a technical team from AXHIS, a construction company from Burkina-Faso, for the provision of 50,000 affordable and affluent communities across Liberia

Start of bauxite exports from Guinea completes EGA’s strategic upstream expansion to create value from mine to metal. (Image source: EGA)

Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) has announced the first exports of bauxite ore from Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC), its mining project in the Republic of Guinea in West Africa

This is a part of a government clean-up strategy of the industry. (Image source: dennisvdwater/Adobe Stock)

The government of Sierra Leone is reviewing mining licences and contracts, aimed at ensuring investments into extractives are in line with development needs

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