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Empowering Africa's material handling future: a strategic collaboration between the Mantrac Group and CHL

The partnership between Mantrac and CHL shows their dedication to meeting Africa's material handling needs. (Image source: Mantrac)

In Africa, where economies are booming and infrastructure is developing rapidly, there is a strong need for efficient ways to handle materials

This demand is seen across various industries, including ports, factories, and agriculture. What is especially noticeable is the increasing interest in electric forklifts, showing the region's commitment to sustainable solutions.

The Delta Group (part of the Mantrac Group), a leader known for its best in class and affordable equipment solutions, and CHL (part of the Anhui Group), a global leader in material handling equipment and China leader in industrial trucks over three decades, has teamed up in a strategic business relationship that perfectly fits Africa's needs.

As cities grow and economies flourish in Africa, there is a surge in construction projects like roads, bridges, and buildings. These projects require reliable material handling equipment. Ports across Africa are expanding due to more trade, and this means a higher demand for handling containers, bulk goods, and heavy loads. Agriculture is also a big deal in Africa, and good material handling equipment is crucial for moving crops and products around. Plus, efficient material handling is needed to keep goods flowing smoothly along trade routes. CHL's equipment steps in to help move materials efficiently.

This collaboration between the Delta Group and CHL shows their dedication to meeting Africa's material handling needs. Together, they offer a wide range of products including electric lead acid and lithium ion forklifts from 1 ton up to 10 tons, internal combustion (IC) diesel forklifts (1.5T - 46T), reach stackers up to 45T and container handler up to 25T with enhancements in reliability, operational efficiency, and operator comfort.

This collaboration is set to reshape how materials are handled in the region and Delta Group’s celebrated after-sales support shows they're committed to giving businesses in Africa what they need to succeed.

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