

As African civil aviation is said to be five to nine times riskier than the global average, latest technological advances are highly applicable to Africa’s challenges around civil aviation safety. (Image source: moogs/Flickr)

Tellumat Air Traffic Management (ATC) has acknowledged the importance of promising technological advances in African civil aviation to enhance safety and cost effectiveness in regional air and ground security, for increasing the continent’s attractiveness as a sought after travel and business destination

Ethiopian Airlines were the first to land in the recently re-opened Abuja Airport. (Image source: Bob Adams/Commons)

The airport in Abuja, Nigeria, has reopened after being closed for six weeks for urgent repairs to its runway

Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport. (Image source: Lindaikejisblog.com/free license)

The construction of Julious Nyerere International Airports third terminal has been halted due to the lack of funds and the closure of Abuja Airport will not affect the Nigerian Oil and Gas conference 2017 

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