
Aviation update: Abuja closure will not impact NOG 2017

Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport. (Image source: Lindaikejisblog.com/free license)

The construction of Julious Nyerere International Airports third terminal has been halted due to the lack of funds and the closure of Abuja Airport will not affect the Nigerian Oil and Gas conference 2017 

The Nigerian Oil and Gas conference 2017 will not be affected by the closure of Abuja Airport. The 16th annual NOG event is taking place from 27 February - 2 March 2017 in Abuja. Organisers have stated the closure of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport will commence on the 8 March 2017, one week after NOG 2017 closes. 

On the other side of the continent, the Tanzanian government has been called upon to release funds to enable the completion of Terminal Three of the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA). The construction of the terminal has been halted because of the lack of available funds. The Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure (PCI) stated that the government have not released the funds, despite the claim that the government had set aside billions of dollars for the project. 

Chairman Norman Sigalla, who is leading the PCI, said during the presentation of a report in Parliament that although Sh26bn (US$11.6mn) was budgeted in the current fiscal year for the construction of the Terminal Three building at JNIA, as of December 2016, no money had been released.

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