

ExoSphere will complement RFEG’s own XPLR remote-sensing mapping-analysis technology. (Image source: Fleet Space)

Fleet Space Technologies, a global leader in NanoSatellite Digital Beamforming, has announced the first deployment of its ExoSphere satellite-based mineral exploration system in Africa

Following this announcement, a first gold pour is expected soon. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Tietto Minerals, a West African gold explorer and developer, has commenced wet commissioning at its  4.5 Mtpa  CIL  processing system at its 3.45 oz Abujar Gold Project in Côte d’Ivoire

Perenti, through AMS, has provided surface mining activities at the Mako Mine since 2017. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Perenti, a diversified global mining services group, has announced that its surface mining business in Africa, Africa Mining Services (AMS), has been awarded a contract extension for surface mining activities at Resolute Mining’s Mako Gold Mine in Senegal

The Wirtgen Group presented its impressive powers of innovation at bauma 2022. (Image source: Wirtgen)

‘The Future in Roadbuilding – Smart. Safe. Sustainable.’ was the motto of the joint appearance by the Wirtgen Group and John Deere at bauma 2022

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