

ConMin West Africa is gathering pace ahead of its opening in June. (Image source: ConMin West Africa)

As ConMin West Africas opening ceremony draws closer, national and international players and businesses are set to touch down in Abuju, Nigeria, to take part in the two-day event on the 13 - 14 June 2017 

South Africas Cullinan Premier Mine. (Image source: Paul Parsons/Commons)

Nawa Mutumweno writes for African Review, examining minings responsible path, as corporate social responsibility remains integral to credible mining operations 

Wolframite Mining in Congo. (Image source: Julien Harneis/Commons)

The Congo Ministry of Mines and the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) hosted a workshop, 8 - 10 December 2016, which provided technical assistance to mining sector stakeholders in negotiating, implementing and monitoring mining contracts more effectively and efficiently 

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