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The 8th Global Conference on Energy Efficiency by IEA prioritises energy efficiency for better living standards, energy security, and a faster clean energy transition towards net zero emissions by 2050. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Forty-five governments from around the world said they aim to double the average global rate of energy efficiency improvements by the end of the decade


SMS has a key role to play in the worldwide efforts to decarbonise the steel and metals industry. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

SMS group has significantly boosted its order intake to US$4.9bn, in the last financial year 

Workers from SETRA building the foundations for one of the four water tower projects. (Image source: Vergnet Hydro)

Chad’s Ministry of Economy, Development Planning and International Cooperation has awarded a contract for the supply and installation of four drinking water supply systems (DWS) to a consortium made up of Vergnet Hydro and Setra

GEHO pumps are capable of extracting water from deep mines in dewatering applications. (Image Source: Weir Minerals Africa)

The technical advancement of Weir Minerals’ GEHO positive displacement pumps has ensured they play a key role in reducing mines’ environmental footprint 

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