Innova produces a wide range of desalinators for production of sweet water from sea water.
Water & Environment
Large pump brings water to Senegalese
At the end of July 2009, KSB Aktiengesellschaft, of Frankenthal, Germany, received an order for the extension of the Méckhé pumping station situated 100km north of Dakar, Senegal.
Managing waste, managing landfill sites
The Landfill Interest Group (LIG), an active specialist interest group within the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) hosted a Waste Disposal Landfill Seminar in October 2009, at the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch, entitled “The Functional Landfill”.
p>The Landfill Interest Group (LIG), an active specialist interest group within the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) hosted a Waste Disposal Landfill Seminar in October 2009, at the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch, entitled “The Functional Landfill”.Ghana awarded US$130 million grant for waste management programme

Ghana will use the fund for arranging logistics and purchasing machinery to beef up the existing waste management facilities. (Image source: PetroleumJelliffe/Flickr)
The Dutch government has approved a US$130mn grant to support the implementation of a waste management programme in Ghana
Abengoa begins construction of West African desalination plant
Abengoa, an international company that supplies technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, has begun construction on the Nungua desalination plant in Ghana