
Water & Environment

The Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA) is leading the biotechnology and biosafety agenda of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

The CCF is set to release new funding for renewable projects in the East African region. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection)

The Climate Catalyst Fund (CCF) has received US$75mn that will be invested in clean energy projects in East Africa and other emerging markets

Ghana has sourced a credit facility from the EXIM Bank and Standard Chartered Bank for the project. (Image source: SPakhrin/Flickr)

Nine Accra Metropolis drainage basins will undergo renovation as part of the Construction of the Accra Sanitary Sewerage and Storm Drainage Alleviation project

Residents of Dar es Salaam get water only twice a week others do not get water at all. (Image source: ajleon/Flickr)

The Indian government has approved a US$178mn loan to Tanzania for the implementation of water projects in an attempt to help alleviate water scarcity in the East African country

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