

Implementing a sustainable infrastructure of roads, waste, water, and power, is not possible without reliable geospatial data. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

In the rapid urbanisation drive in Africa, maping techniques are helping to to identify informal settlements, population and density, the number of built structures, the location of transport infrastructure surrounding formal and informal neighbourhoods, as well as access to electricity, sanitation facilities and clean water

Higher prices were forecasted across all commodities in the report despite the growth in production levels. (Image source: AFEX)

According to a new report by commodities exchange firm AFEX, Nigeria’s core grain prices have been projected to trend upwards in the new season due to persistent gaps between commodity supply and demand

An area of forest the size of 27 football pitches is lost every minute. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

More than 100 leaders will commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 at Cop26

The two-year mentored placements in Aberdeen will be open to graduates and people looking to reskill for positive change with 24 participants expected in the first cohort. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Xodus has received a grant of approximately US$2.18mn from ETZ Ltd for X-Academy and ScotWind consortium partners bp and EnBW have committed more than US$1.36mn if their ScotWind application is successful 

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