

The Government of South Africa made submissions to the US Government requesting a country exemption from Section 232 duties. (Image source: SuLTan0203/Wikimedia Commons)

As the US Department of Commerce granted product exemptions for imports of 161 aluminium and 36 steel products from the Section 232 duties that the US imposed against foreign imports, South Africa has welcomed the decision

According to EGA, first bauxite exports are expected during the second half of 2019. (Image source: Vicki Nunn/Pixabay)

The Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC) project by Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the UAE’s leading industrial company outside oil and gas, has reached 50 per cent construction completion

AOD converter drive with vertical torque retainer from SMS group. (Image source: SMS group)

SMS group has supplied and installed a torque retainer system for the two 100-tonne AOD converters at Columbus Stainless (Pty) Ltd in Middelburg, South Africa

The Zambia plant will produce mill balls of various sizes and specifications as required by the customers. (Image source: Jonathan Haeber/Flickr)

Imara Private Equity Portfolio Company Yellowstripe Resources Limited has announced commissioning of its steel plant in Zambia

Chinese Embassy in Namibia. (Image source: LIYUCSF)

The project for Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Namibia, fabricated by Tianjin Engineering & Construction Corporation Steel Structure Branch Company (TECC), has attracted broad attention in both China and Africa, especially for the Republic of Namibia

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