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Wallace Mawire won at eLearning Africa with Technosavvy generation. (Image source: Wallace Mawire)

Zimbabwean journalist Wallace Mawire has won the 2015 Jury award at eLearning Africas "Through your Lens" Photo Competition 

Mark Reynolds says Africa is a booming market for ICT and software firms like VMware. (Image source: VMware)

USA-based software firm VMware has announced that it will to open a new office in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi

Austin Okere winning the award speaks volumes about Openshopen’s value to SMEs. (Image source: CWG) has been named e-commerce platform of the year at a recent awards ceremony in Nigeria

The information covers more than 25 European market sectors, including a range of mechanical and automotive parts. (Image source: Adam Cohn/Flickr)

A new online tool has been developed to provide vital European market information to African exporters

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