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Africa is all set to boost up its trade and business initiatives. (Image source: Eduardo Marquetti/Flickr)

Experts from the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA), African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) met in Libreville, Gabon to review the guidelines for preparing national AfCFTA implementation strategies

Richard de Roos is the head of foreign exchange at Standard Bank. (Image source: Standard Bank)

Standard Bank’s hyperledger fabric-hosted foreign exchange payments and settlement system is expected to go live in the first half of 2019, aiming to significantly increase the international trades and speed up foreign exchange payments, according to Richard de Roos, head of foreign exchange for Standard Bank Group

Community Forest Nacumcara, new Workshop Office Building. (Image source: The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany)

Five members of the Budgetary Committee of the German Federal Parliament visited Namibia from 24-26 February 2019, focusing on forest protection, sustainable forest management, bioeconomy and private sector entrepreneurship

The bank has opted for a complete renovation using Temenos T24 Transact as well as a host of additional digital solutions including Temenos Infinity and Temenos Loan Origination product. (Image source: Temenos)

Al Rajhi Bank, one of the leading banks in Saudi Arabia, has selected Temenos to power its digital transformation journey and enhance its Islamic lending and financing product capabilities

Akinwumi Adesina is the president of the AfDB. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

Governors representing the African Development Bank (AfDB) West Africa region held consultative meetings with Akinwumi Adesina, President of AfDB, and senior management, to discuss the bank’s accelerated engagement in the region

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