

This year’s Economic Report on Africa, a flagship publication of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) focuses on fiscal policy. (Image source: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)

Africa needs to digitise its economies, increase tax base and prevent further deterioration of fiscal and debt positions to achieve the UN 2030 global goals (SDGs), and the AU Agenda 2063, according to the 2019 Economic Report on Africa

Postilion will allow the company to process modern electronic payments, such as non-card withdrawals, retailer transactions and new alternative payment methods. (Image source: Carsten ten Brink/Flickr)

ACI Worldwide, a provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, has announced that Eafricalab will use its Postillion UP Retail Payment solution to better serve consumers across 25 African countries

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is the most integrated region in terms of trade, with South Africa as the most integrated country on the continent. (Image source: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)

The preliminary findings of the upcoming 2019 African Regional Integration Index, released at the Conference of Ministers in Morocco on Saturday, indicate that regional integration in Africa remains low

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