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André Bode, managing director of OTRACO. (Image source: Bridgestone South Africa)

Bridgestone Southern Africa Mining services and OTRACO Southern Africa will join forces to accelerate Mining tyre management and mobility solutions in Southern Africa, under one banner

MTN Skills Academys work to promote digital skills for digital jobs could address Africas youth unemployment problem. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

To address Africa’s digital skills gap, MTN Group, through some of its operating companies, is partnering with SAS Training, Courses & Classes to train up to 100 young people in data analytics

Cheryl Buss, CEO of Absa International. (Image source: Absa International)

The Indian response to the Covid-19 pandemic could serve as a blueprint for economic recovery for the African continent, says Cheryl Buss, CEO of Absa International

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