

The KwaZulu-Natal provincial government in South Africa and Standard Bank Group (SBG) have agreed on a series of measures to identify and develop affordable housing projects across the province.

p>The KwaZulu-Natal provincial government in South Africa and Standard Bank Group (SBG) have agreed on a series of measures to identify and develop affordable housing projects across the province.

Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company (KDHP) that owns and runs Tata Tea estates in Munnar (Kerala), is planning to go global by entering into a joint venture with a tea company in Vietnam and acquiring management control of an Ethiopian tea estate.

p>Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company (KDHP) that owns and runs Tata Tea estates in Munnar (Kerala), is planning to go global by entering into a joint venture with a tea company in Vietnam and acquiring management control of an Ethiopian tea estate.

A new Italian line of credit is set to benefit Tunisian companies; 73mn euros is earmarked for financing Tunisian and Italian SMEs with joint projects in industry, agribusiness and services.

p>A new Italian line of credit is set to benefit Tunisian companies; 73mn euros is earmarked for financing Tunisian and Italian SMEs with joint projects in industry, agribusiness and services.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical experts hhave been working with officials of the Bank of Botswana (BOB) and of the Nonbank Financial Regulatory Agency (NBFIRA) to improve the breadth and quality of data collected from the financial industry.

p>International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical experts hhave been working with officials of the Bank of Botswana (BOB) and of the Nonbank Financial Regulatory Agency (NBFIRA) to improve the breadth and quality of data collected from the financial industry.

A new US$72mn project in Egypt will help small farmers maximise their efficiency in using scarce water resources and achieve significant increases in their crop production and incomes.

p>A new US$72mn project in Egypt will help small farmers maximise their efficiency in using scarce water resources and achieve significant increases in their crop production and incomes.

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