South Africa’s embattled textile industry has been given a boost after the takeover of a Cape Town polyester fibre factory
Zambia launches help for businesses scheme
The Zambian government has launched the National Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSME) policy designed to ensure that the sector grows into a major contributor to the country’s overall economic development
Dollar presages double-dip fears
Poor returns on equities, unpredictable movements in the high price of gold, less than satisfactory progress in the Euro zone and the returned spectre of a double-dip recession – will it affect Africa this time?
Africa urged to engage with emerging partners
The African Development Bank (AfDB) in its 2011 African Economic Outlook report under the theme:Africa and its emerging partners advises African countries on how to maximise the benefits from Emerging Partners (EPs)
p>The African Development Bank (AfDB) in its 2011 African Economic Outlook report under the theme:Africa and its emerging partners advises African countries on how to maximise the benefits from Emerging Partners (EPs)Somalia’s brave new world
Somalia is a land of rich untapped resources, growing businesses and potential