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According to Mervyn King, author of the King III report and its predecessors, "governance, strategy and sustainability are inseparable", and with an increasing global focus on corporate responsibility and integrated reporting, sustainability reporting and how to effectively incorporate it into enterprise reporting practices are becoming of increasing concern to businesses

p>According to Mervyn King, author of the King III report and its predecessors, "governance, strategy and sustainability are inseparable", and with an increasing global focus on corporate responsibility and integrated reporting, sustainability reporting and how to effectively incorporate it into enterprise reporting practices are becoming of increasing concern to businesses

At the recent Chartered Institute of Purchase and Supply (CIPS) Pan African Procurement Awards, the Johnson Controls Global WorkPlace Solutions (GWS) sourcing team won the award for Best Process Improvement InitiativeAt the recent Chartered Institute of Purchase and Supply (CIPS) Pan African Procurement Awards, the Johnson Controls Global WorkPlace Solutions (GWS) sourcing team won the award for Best Process Improvement Initiative

There is overwhelming evidence that Nigeria is moving forward and at an ever increasing momentum

There is overwhelming evidence that Nigeria is moving forward and at an ever increasing momentum

Wale Tinubu is the Group Chief Executive of Oando Plc - he talks to Zsa Tebbit

Wale Tinubu is the Group Chief Executive of Oando Plc - he talks to Zsa Tebbit about gas flaring, oil prices and the future of the Nigerian oil industry

ZELA Director,Mutuso Dhliwayo at the launch of the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Zim chapter.

Zimbabwe has launched the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) campaign local chapter as part of the global network of CSOs united in their call for extractive industry revenues to form the basis for development and improve the lives of ordinary citizens in resource-rich countries

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