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GEA group SA adopts new service philosophy


Machine maintenance is an unavoidable aspect of industrial processing, often costing manufacturers dearly in production downtime

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Machine maintenance is an unavoidable aspect of industrial processing, often costing manufacturers dearly in production downtime


The GEA Group, the world-leader in turning liquids to value, has adopted a new service philosophy within GEA Service Africa; the service and support division to GEA companies that will see maintenance downtimes drastically reduced.


GEA Service Africa is changing the way its service department is managed; with 70 per cent of their time now allocated to planned contracts, 20 per cent on customer visits, and 10 per cent on training and continued up-skilling. The aim of this change is to sustain the highest possible service levels, thereby contributing to the improved profitability and efficiency of GEA Mechanical Equipment, GEA Process Engineering, GEA Refrigeration Technologies and GEA Farm Technologies customers in South Africa and across Africa.



Specific training


Customers of these GEA Group subsidiaries will be assigned highly skilled and segmented maintenance teams that are specifically-trained as per specific market segments and industries such as farming, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, refrigeration, mining, chemical, industrial, and others.


The idea behind the segmentation approach is to create specialists within GEA Service Africa that are more actively involved in their clients’ businesses – helping to uphold the highest regard for customer relationships, level of service and, ultimately, production output – with a holistic maintenance approach.



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