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Standard & Poors Ratings Services have confirmed its B long-term and B short-term sovereign foreign and local currency credit ratings on the Republic of Ghana

p>Standard & Poors Ratings Services have confirmed its B long-term and B short-term sovereign foreign and local currency credit ratings on the Republic of Ghana

The contrasting developments in the business environments in the East African Community (EAC) were highlighted in the 2012 edition of the World Banks ease-of-doing-business ratings (WBEDBR).

World Bank, 2012 report, East African, economies, WBEDDBR, Somalia, Uganda, Burundi, economyThe contrasting developments in the business environments in the East African Community (EAC) were highlighted in the 2012 edition of the World Banks ease-of-doing-business ratings (WBEDBR)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) in its 2011 African Economic Outlook report under the theme:Africa and its emerging partners advises African countries on how to maximise the benefits from Emerging Partners (EPs)

p>The African Development Bank (AfDB) in its 2011 African Economic Outlook report under the theme:Africa and its emerging partners advises African countries on how to maximise the benefits from Emerging Partners (EPs)

Somalia is a land of rich untapped resources, growing businesses and potential

Somalia is a land of rich untapped resources, growing businesses and potential

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