Acumen Fund has announced its expansion to West Africa, with new investments in companies supporting land rights and agriculture in low-income communities across Ghana
African leaders agree major infrastructure programme

African Heads of State have endorsed the launch of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa.
African Heads of State have endorsed the launch of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), a multi-billion dollar initiative that will run through to 2040
PwC survey: upbeat outlook for Africa

While companies around the world are more downbeat about the economic future, optimism has increased in Africa.
While companies around the world are more downbeat about the economic future, optimism has increased in Africa, according to the results of a new survey
New North African leaders call for investment
Leaders of North African countries involved in the Arab Spring have sought to reassure the worlds elite in Davos that the rise of political Islam is not a threat to democracy
p>Leaders of North African countries involved in the Arab Spring have sought to reassure the worlds elite in Davos that the rise of political Islam is not a threat to democracyWorld Bank plots Kenya's growth

The surging information and telecommunication sector will spur Kenya’s economic growth this year - World Bank
The surging information and telecommunication sector will spur Kenya’s economic growth this year, according the World Bank