

New report from IFC and the World Bank finds that record number of economies in Sub-Saharan Africa improved business regulations for local entrepreneurs in the past year.

New report from IFC and the World Bank finds that record number of economies in Sub-Saharan Africa improved business regulations for local entrepreneurs in the past year

Standard & Poors Ratings Services have raised its Nigeria national scale rating on the Nigerian State of Rivers to ngBBB+

S&P, increase, Nigeria, rating, ngBBB, ngBBB+, africa, economyStandard & Poors Ratings Services have raised its Nigeria national scale rating on the Nigerian State of Rivers to ngBBB+ from ngBBB,  revising the outlook  from positive to stable and affirmed their B long-term issuer credit rating

Standard & Poors Ratings Services have confirmed its B long-term and B short-term sovereign foreign and local currency credit ratings on the Republic of Ghana

p>Standard & Poors Ratings Services have confirmed its B long-term and B short-term sovereign foreign and local currency credit ratings on the Republic of Ghana

The contrasting developments in the business environments in the East African Community (EAC) were highlighted in the 2012 edition of the World Banks ease-of-doing-business ratings (WBEDBR).

World Bank, 2012 report, East African, economies, WBEDDBR, Somalia, Uganda, Burundi, economyThe contrasting developments in the business environments in the East African Community (EAC) were highlighted in the 2012 edition of the World Banks ease-of-doing-business ratings (WBEDBR)

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