Tanzania is to lead East African countries in creating more than 56,000 employment opportunities over the next five years, according to Ernst and Young
Tanzania predicts economic boost after power systems improvement
Tanzania’s economy is expected to hit the seven per cent mark this year, higher than the 6.4 per cent it attained last year
India’s FDI to Zambia tops US$3 billion
Zambia’s foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow from India has exceeded US$3 billion for the last five years in various sector of the economy
South Africa-Saudi Arabia JV to generate more jobs

The joint venture between South Africa and Saudi Arabia will give a tremendous boost to both the economies. (Image source: Getty Images)

US to increase annual aid to Zambia by US$100 million

US ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella made the announcement in Zambian capital Lusaka. (Image source: Travlr)
The United States has said it will increase its bilateral assistance to Zambia in 2013 from US$400 million per annum to $500 million per annum