

The event will host a conference presented by panellists and speakers, including ambassadors, government officials and other key officials. (Image Source: FotolEdhar/Fotolia)

Africa Business Forum is back for its fourth year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopiaand has opened registrations for the event on 1 June 2016

The latest investment by Coca-Cola expands its presence in Nigerias value-added dairy and beverage sector. (Image source: DanielGo/Flickr)

Coca-Cola Company has signed an agreement to acquire an initial minority equity shareholding in Nigeria’s Chi Ltd

Some of Himoinsas new products can be seen at shows like Bauma and MEE. (Image source: Himoinsa)

Spanish genset manufacturer Himoinsa’s turnover in 2015 grew by 15 per cent, with strong sales figures coming in from the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Europe

ACCA is working together with IFC to support Ghanaian businesses. (Image source: finnisheye)

World Bank Group member IFC is working with the Ghanaian chapter of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to promote improved corporate governance practices in the West African nation, to help build more sustainable businesses and strengthen private sector growth

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