

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt announced the plans to build the centre at the Egypt Economic Development Conference in Sharm El Sheikh last week. (Image source: JD Lasica/Flickr)

GE has revealed that it will build a multimodal manufacturing and training facility in Suez, Egypt

JLL hopes to capitalise on the vast set of real estate opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa. (Image source: David Stanley/Flickr)

Real estate company Jones Lang Laselle (JLL) has announced its plans for expansion in sub-Saharan Africa to include hotel service and has appointed Xander Nijnens as head of hotels and hospitality for the region

Okere spoke about business strategies at the Annual Fidelity SMEs conference, held in Lagos, Nigeria. (Image source: ComputerWarehousePlc)

Austin Okere, founder and CEO of Computer Warehouse Group Plc, stated the three powers that could help contribute to the success of small and medium enterprises at a conference in Nigeria

Stanlibs infrastructure fund will focus mainly on clean energy projects, in addition to water, power, transport, telecom and oil and gas ventures too. (Image source: ArtemyoLagalag/Flickr)

Johannesburg-based asset management firm Stanlib has decided to invest in equity stakes in private sector-developed projects through its infrastructure fund

Cocoa farmers in Ghana will recieve support to invest in new equipment to boost crop yields. (Image source: Cocoa in Ghana)

Ghana’s cocoa production sector has received a boost in the current crop season with a substantial price hike for farmers

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