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Driving investment in Ghana

A new act was recently passed by the Ghanaian government to prevent businesses being nationalized or expropriated. (Image source: Felix Lipov/shutterstock)

In its drive to promote investment in Ghana, the Ghanaian government has assured both local and foreign investors that it will ensure businesses across the country are not expropriated

The government has passed an Act (865) of parliament which partially states "an enterprise shall not be nationalized or expropriated by government: and a person who owns, whether wholly or in part, the capital of an enterprise shall not be compelled by law to cede that person’s capital to another person."
According to the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, FDI component of the estimated value of projects registered during the period, ie. last quarter of (1st October to 31st December 2014) was US$1.6mn, representing 95.58 per cent of the total estimated value, and a local currency component of US$78.57mn, representing 4.42 per cent.

The total foreign equity was US$383.38mn and the initial equity transfers was US$114.69mn for this quarter.

China, with five projects, topped the list of countries with the highest number of registered projects. With the FDI value of the investments totalling US$641mn, the Netherlands topped the list of countries with the largest value of investments registered during the quarter. 

Joseph Ashon Cudjiw

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