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The awards celebrate exceptional businesswomen who have benefitted from UNCTADs global entrepreneurship training network. (Image source: World Investment Forum)

Representatives from Uganda, Mozambique, Gambia and Zambia have been selected as the finalists at the sixth Empretec Women in Business Awards, as announced by UNCTAD

Image cap: The conference will host leading thought leaders in the remittance ecosystem in Africa and beyond. (Image source: Remitance Africa)

The seventh Remittance Africa Expo will take place from 23-24 October 2018 in Nigeria, aiming to create a more competitive market place to foster and deepen the ecosystem of Africa’s remittance market

The event will be providing learners from 8-16 years of age the opportunity to write their first lines of code, learn computational thinking and explore enabling technologies. (Image source: eSwatini)

More than 300 local teachers and parents showed their support at Mbabane’s Royal Science and Technology Park to learn 21st century skills in the run-up to Africa Code Week (ACW) 2018 which will be taking place in October in Madagascar

The conference discusses the scope of digital transformation for African businesses.(Image source: arrowsmith2/ Adobe Stock)

Alibaba Business School and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) have organised third e-Founders Fellowship cohort in Hangzhou, China, to discuss opportunities for digital transformations of business

FAO is taking the necessary measures to explore the potential of food and agriculture in supporting Egypt’s Vision 2030 and in achieving SDGs. (Image source: Christopher Griner/ Flickr)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) has organised a workshop from 24-26 June 2018 in Egypt, focusing on transforming food and agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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