More oil in East Africa
West Africa is particularly active at the moment, following well-publicised recent finds - but there are equally significant operations in the east
Reservoirs around the world
A fresh perspective on petroleum resources offers optimism for the future of oil and gas supply
Isolux introduce energy projects to Africa

Isolux Corsan is rolling out several energy projects in seven African countries: Angola, Algeria, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Mauritania and Mozambique
Isolux Corsan is rolling out several energy projects in seven African countries: Angola, Algeria, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Mauritania and Mozambique
The drive to extend Ugandan power

Uganda is pressing ahead with rural electrification projects to connect 5,385 people to the countrys main grid
Uganda is pressing ahead with rural electrification projects to connect 5,385 people to the countrys main grid