
UK to inject US$50 million into Tanzanian renewables

The development of renewable energy in Tanzania has been given a major boost after the UK said it would invest US$50 million into clean energy schemes within the country

The cash injection will lead to more than 200,000 households and 50 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in poor rural areas being connected to clean energy sources.

British High Commissioner in Tanzania, Diane Corner, said the funds would help innovators overcome the financial planning and delivery of clean energy.

Corner added that the deal would also enable communities to better understand the potential benefits of local renewable energy projects.

The UK funding comes at a time when Tanzania continues to suffer from incessant power outages due to poor infrastructure.

According to the country’s power utility Tanesco, more than $15.9 billion is required to upgrade power production, transmission and distribution in order to reduce power rationing.

Mwangi Mumero


Tanzania tackling energy worries by investing in renewables

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