German photovoltaic (PV) mounting systems manufacturer Renusol has established a presence in South Africa’s promising solar market
Djibouti set to get its first solar plant

Djibouti has rich reserves of clean energy sources, which the government wants to tap into to satisfy the countrys energy needs. (Image source: AndreasTroll/Pixabay)
Construction on Djibouti’s first solar power plant has begun, following the laying of the foundation stone by President Ismail Omar Guelleh
Nigerian IPP achieves financial close

The Azura Edo IPP will be a 450MW gas-fired plant. This image is used for representational purposes only. (Image source: Duke Energy/Flickr)
Nigeria’s first true project-financed independent power plant (IPP), the Azura Edo, has achieved financial close and stakeholders met to finalise issues ahead of the groundbreaking ceremony
Orascom Construction to convert Egypt power plants for US$420mn

The Assuit and West Damietta plants will be converted to improve energy efficiency and limit fuel intake. (Image source: Rob/Flickr)
Orascom Construction has agreed to undertake a US$420mn contract to convert existing simple power plants to combined cycle power plants
Ruzizi III hydropower project gets financial backing from AfDB
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a US$138mn loan to finance the Ruzizi III hydropower plant project