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APR Energy operators do a routine maintenance on one of APR’s mobile gas turbine generators at Rocha Pinto, Angola. (Image source: APR Energy)

Power solutions firm APR Energy has expanded its interim generation capacity for Societe Nationale dÉlectricite du Senegal (Senelec), Senegal’s national electric utility

Energy from the hydroelectric plant will be sold to Eneo, Cameroons national power utility company. (Image source: werner22brigitte/pixabay)

Platinum Power, a Moroccan subsidiary of USA-based private equity firm Brookstone Partners, announced plans to build a hydroelectric project in Cameroon

The NERC is exploring power generation solutions using natural gas as well as solar. (Image source: Pixabay)

The European Union (EU) has revealed plans to invest US$165mn in Nigeria’s power sector, in a bid to improve access to electricity in the country

The wind power project is in line with Djiboutis plan to rely entirely on clean power. (Image source: skeeze/pixabay)

Djibouti’s ministry of energy has signed an MoU with Shanghai Electric for the construction of a 60MW wind power project in the eastern African country

The turbines from GE will run on clean-burning natural gas. (Image source: Orbital Joe/Flickr)

USA-based APR Energy has signed a contract to provide a gas turbine power plant for an industrial customer in Egypt

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