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(Image source: Sustainable Energy For All)

Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and partners announced on 18 September in New York, first-of-its-kind research analysing finance flows for electricity and clean cooking access in 20 countries across Africa and Asia with significant access gaps, and how finance strategies could be scaled and refined to reach more people, more affordable, with sustainable energy

Puyloubier (6.5 MWp) photovoltaic plant, in operation since 2010. (Image source: EREN)

Total will acquire an indirect interest of 23 per cent in EREN RE by subscribing to a capital increase for an amount of €237.5mn (US$282.92mn). The agreement also gives Total the possibility to take over control of EREN RE after a period of five years

The ARF 2016 discussed the role of private and public sector for the development of the region’s renewable energy. (Image source: ARF)

The Africa Renewable Energy Forum (ARF) is going to take place from 29 November 2017 to 1 December 2017, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Casablanca, with focus on driving the development of renewable energy projects across the continent

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