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Ghana to use wave energy to solve electricity crisis

Wave energy is expected to generate power for the country to meet its domestic demand. (Image source: Steve p2008/Flickr)

Ghana has entered into a partnership with Israeli company Yam Pro Energy to explore ways to use wave energy in order to meet energy supply crisis in the country

According to Face2face Africa, the project is set to be developed on the coastline of Accra, the capital city of Ghana.

Yam Pro said that it will explore the possibilities in the crashing ocean waves to generate hydraulic pressure that can easily be turned into electricity, thus meeting the electricity crisis in the west African country.

With this, Ghana is expected to generate around 1,000MW each day, added the company.

Zeev Peretz, CEO of Yam Pro, said that this deal is a result after many years’ talk with Ghana and the company hopes to help the country in meeting its energy demand and improving the life of the citizens.

Currently, the plant is in construction phase and it will have floaters connected to wave breakers spread across the Ghanaian coastline, which are aiming to push up and down when the ocean waves crash in, thus enabling the turbines to roll and produce hydraulic pressure, reported the source.

The source further reported that Yam Pro has obtained a power purchase agreement from the Electricity Company of Ghana.

Commenting on the long-term life of the plant, the company said that it is using technology to ensure that maintenance services are conducted timely in order to achieve maximum performance.

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