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Matteo Brambilla, managing director at Building Energy for Africa and Middle East, and Alfonso Tagliaferri, Consul of Italy in Cape Town. (Image source: Building Energy)

Building Energy SpA, an integrated global renewable energy company, has donated an off-grid Solar Photovoltaic rooftop power plant with a capacity of 3.12 kwp (DC) to the Italian Consulate in Cape Town

The North Africa country aims to boost renewable energy production. (Image source: Andreas/Pixabay)

Tunisia is set to launch an international tender for the procurement of 1,000MW of wind and solar power, a project that is estimated to be worth US$1.04bn

With this collaboration, the companies aim to make electricity available to the people of Africa. (Image source: h080/Flickr)

Engie Africa and off-grid energy company Fenix International have closed their acquisition agreement, a move that aims to provide safe and affordable energy to millions of households across Africa

The company is in talks to expand the service to Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire. (Image source: Orange)

Orange SA said it would distribute solar panel kits in certain African countries, in a move to potentially gain customers in emerging economies amidst a price war with low-cost rivals in its home markets

AfDB aims to develop power sector across the continent. (Image source: Magharebia/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has undertaken a mission to hold further discussions on Nigeria’s Power Sector Recovery Programme (PSRP) with several stakeholders in Abuja from 14-16 March 2018

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