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Power Generation

The 1100 Series from FG Wilson. (Image source: FG Wilson)

FG Wilson has teamed up with its authorised Egyptian Dealer, Triangle Heavy Equipment, to successfully deliver a power generation and backup power solution for the most exciting mixed-use development project in Egypt

The Azura-Edo project is a 450 MW open-cycle gas turbine power station coming up near Benin City. (Image source: Alan Stark/Flickr)

US-based American Capital Energy and Infrastructure (ACEI) has agreed to invest US$130mn in the company developing the Azura-Edo power project in Edo State, Nigeria

Two companies will be set up in Okakarara to manage the coal-fired power plant project. (Image source: Alan Stark/Flickr)

UAE-based Utico Middle East has signed an agreement with the business unit of the Okakarara Town Council in Namibia to develop a coal-fired power plant with a capacity to produce up to 300 MW of power

Edenville Energy said it is in discussions with potential Asian partners who have relevant experience to develop the project. (Image source: Alan Stark/Flickr)

UK-based Edenville Energy has announced plans to build a 100MW power station at its Rukwa Coal Project site in Tanzania

Construction of transmission lines for the Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project has been scheduled for completion in 2018. (Image source: Gisela Giardino/Flickr)

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has awarded a US$113mn grant for the 80MW Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project coming up on the Kagera River, along the Rwanda-Tanzania border

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