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Power Generation

The World Bank is providing more than $73mn for technical, environmental, and social studies on the Inga 3 Hydropower project. (Image source: jbdodane)

DR Congo is looking to choose a contractor by July for its controversial US$12bn hydroelectric project aimed at producing up to 4,800MW of power by diverting about one-sixth of the Congo River

GE will work together with Dangote Industries to support major projects across Africa in industries such as power generation, rail transport and the oil and gas sector. (Image source: General Electric)

An estimated US$2bn worth of investments from multinational conglomerate General Electric (GE) will be distributed across Africa in a bid to help the continent achieve sustainable growth

The MoUs have been signed to improve access to power across Nigeria. (Image source: AlexisBellido/Flickr)

Nigeria has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the US to improve electricity supply in the West African country

MIGA has decided to back investments in Sonel, the Kribi and Dibamba power plants. (Image source: Rudolf Vleck/Flickr)

World Bank Group member Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has announced its support to three power projects in Cameroon

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