
Power Generation

GEs Steam Power System wins gold. (Image source: momoneymoproblemz/Commons)

GEs Steam Power Systems has won the Global IPMA Project Excellence Gold Award for its work at South Africas Medupi power plant

Rusumo Falls on the Kagera river on the border between Rwanda and Tanzania. (Image source: Amakuru/Commons)

Construction of the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project is moving into its implementation phase following the signing of two contracts

Sean Long, CEO, Endeavour Energy, one of the Early Power consortium members (Source: Endeavour Energy)

The Early Power consortium has announced it has received parliamentary approval from the Government of Ghana to develop a 400MW greenfield Bridge Power plant at Ghanas Tema Port

The Siemens SGT-400 gas turbine will be manufactured in Lincoln in the UK. (Image source: Siemens AG)

The Dresser-Rand business, a part of Siemens Power and Gas, recently secured a contract to supply two compressor trains to an onshore receiving facility in Ghana, Africa

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