
Power Generation

Renewable power capacity in Africa increased from 28 gigawatts (GW) in 2010 to 50GW in 2018. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Africa is the continent with the highest untapped ‘technical’ renewable energy resources: solar, hydro, wind and geothermal power

Sébastien Arbola, ENGIE executive vice-president in charge of thermal generation, energy supply activities and hydrogen and CEO of the Business Unit in charge of the Middle East, South and Central Asia, Turkey and Africa. (Image source: ENGIE)

ENGIE, a global reference group in low-carbon energy and services, has signed an agreement together with South Africa’s Department of Science and Innovation, South African National Energy Development Institute, Anglo American and Bambili Energy to carry out a feasibility study on South Africa’s hydrogen valley

The transmission capacity is expected to be increased by 2,250MW in the country. (Image source: Michael Schwarzenberger/Pixabay)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has committed US$530mn for the construction of a 343km and 400 kV central-south transmission line that will connect the north and south transmission grids in Angola

In 2019, Kenya’s power installed capacity was 2,818.9MW. (Image source: Free-Photos/Pixabay)

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) PLC has signed US$6,452,933 contract with Djiboutian Office of Geothermal Energy Development) (ODDEG) to drill three geothermal wells in the country

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